Sunday 8am - Communion
The 8am traditional service celebrates communion on a weekly basis, hymns fill the church and intercessory prayers ring forth for our community, church and world.
Sunday 9:30am - CCKids
CCKids at 9:30am is a 30 - 45 minute service for the newest members of our family (0 - 5 years old). With crafts, memory verses and songs with actions, its a joyful noise for the whole family!
Sunday 11am - Celebration
The 11am service is open to all families and friends, with worship, time in the word and monthly communion offered in church. CCKids Connect (0-13 years) and Teen Church (14-18 years) runs concurrently on campus.
The SIXpm (Sunday 6pm)
The 6pm service is a celebration of young adults pursuing Christ but there really is no age limit! Join for worship, preaching and community.
Wednesday 10am Service
We have a mid-week service at 10am every Wednesday. If you are unable to make it on Sunday, this is perfect for you.
Current Sermon Series

Visit Us
Cnr Summerley & Richmond Road,
Cape Town
Tel: +27 (021) 797 6332
E-mail: hello@cck.org.za