
Everyone Praying.
Everyone Serving.
Everyone Giving.

Being a part of Christ Church Kenilworth means receiving a rich spiritual heritage where multiple generations give, serve and grow together. So if you are excited to meet people and serve others, this is the place to be. 

Most of our teams work on a 4-week rotation, meaning that by being available to help once a month, you are making a massive difference.  If you’re interested in joining one or two of the teams, follow the links below.

  • Welcome Team

    Being part of the Welcome Team requires a mix of practical and people skills. Sometimes you will be asked to stack chairs and count attendees. Other times you will need to stand by the Information Desk before and after the service - chatting to new people, answering questions or introducing them to the relevant staff member.

  • Worship Team

    If you are a worshipper who wants to serve Jesus in the music ministry then we would love to hear from you - please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.
    Have a suggestion for a song? Send it to us here.

  • Production Team

    The production team manages the sound, screens, stage, and cameras at services and events. An aptitude for technology and a musical ear are recommended. On-the-job training is provided by an experienced member of the team.

  • Prayer Team

    We want everything we do to be saturated with prayer. Dependance on God for fruitfulness is the name of the game. We see this throughout Scripture, with Jesus prioritising time with the Father and how he taught his followers to pray. We are encouraged to pray continuously, for our country leaders, those in ministry, for each other and for God’s kingdom to come.

  • Hospitality Team

    “Coffee gets me started, Jesus keeps me going”. There are two branches to this team, Sunday services or weeknight serving. Help out on a Sunday serving tea and coffee after the service and keeping the kitchen clean. Or help out behind the scenes at the various courses CCK offers during the week e.g. Alpha or The Marriage Course - serving food, kitchen help, etc.

  • CCKids Team

    CCKids at 9:30am is a 30 - 45minute service for the newest members of our family (0 - 5 years old). With crafts, memory verses and songs with actions, its a joyful noise for the whole family! We are always looking for people to help with all aspects of the 9:30am service.

Join a Team

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”