
We want everything we do to be saturated with prayer. Dependance on God for fruitfulness is the name of the game. We see this throughout Scripture, with Jesus prioritising time with the Father and how he taught his followers to pray.

Do you have a prayer request?

If you are ever in an emergency or crisis and need a shield of prayer or would like to be a part of the Prayer Shield, contact Liz Michael by sending an email here.

Watch Emmy Wilson’s talk from the Journey Of Prayer on 4 December 2024:

Time to Pray

Join the monthly church-wide prayer Time to Pray, every third Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm-8:30pm at Christ Church.

Revival Prayer

Join us every Wednesday morning 6am - 7am in the church for Revival Prayer


SOZO is a Greek word which can be translated as “saved, healed, delivered”. It appears often in the New Testament, such as in Matthew 1:21, Mark 5:23, Acts 14:9 and Mark 5:28.

A SOZO session isn’t a counselling session – it’s a safe and confidential space in which you interact with Father, Son and Holy Spirit and receive a sense of wholeness, encouragement and affirmation.

Guided by the Holy Spirit and their accredited training, two members of the SOZO team will help you to hear the truth that Jesus Christ is wanting you, personally, to walk in. In so doing, old wounds will be healed and your faith will be renewed and strengthened.

Whether you’re struggling with heavy burdens or just needing a fresh sense of purpose and direction in your faith journey, SOZO is for you. To find out more or arrange a convenient time for a session, please contact the Christ Church Office on 021 797 6332 or email